Borrowing Periods by Patron Status

This table contains a revised schedule for borrowing privileges for Morton Library, organized by patron status.

[["CATEGORY","BORROWING PRIVILEGES","RENEWALS","NUMBER OF ITEMS"],["Faculty of\nUPSem","Books: due June 1st.\nVideos, DVDs, other media: 3 weeks.\nNo overdue fines (some exceptions).\nBorrowing at local academic\n libraries by reciprocal agreement.\nCourse reserves, ILL services.\nOn-site and remote access\n to Library databases with login.","Can be renewed at the Circulation Desk by phone or in person","150 books\n15 curricula\n6 visual media* \n20 audio media**\n3 kits\n3 games"],["Students of\nUPSem\n\n(not in the Ph.D., Th.M or D.Min. programs)","Books: due at end of term.\nVideos, DVDs, other media: 3 weeks.\nNo overdue fines (some exceptions).\nBorrowing at local academic\n libraries by reciprocal agreement.\nCourse reserves, ILL services.\nOn-site and remote access\n to Library databases with login.","Can be renewed at the Circulation Desk by phone or in person","50 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],["Students of\nUPSem enrolled in Ph.D., Th.M. or D.Min. programs","Books: due June 1st.\nVideos, DVDs, other media: 3 weeks.\nNo overdue fines (some exceptions).\nBorrowing at local academic\n libraries by reciprocal agreement.\nCourse reserves, ILL services.\nOn-site and remote access\n to Library databases with login.","Can be renewed at the Circulation Desk by phone or in person","150 books\n15 curricula\n6 visual media* \n20 audio media** \n3 kits\n3 games"],["Staff of\nUPSem","Books: 3 weeks.\nVideos, DVDs, other media: 3 weeks.\nNo overdue fines (some exceptions).\nBorrowing at local academic\n libraries by reciprocal agreement.\nILL services. \nOn-site and remote access\n to Library databases with login.","One renewal","10 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],["Alumni/Alumnae\nof UPSem, Union-PSCE, Union, PSCE, and BTSR \nNo charge","Books: 3 weeks.\nVideos & DVDs: 2 weeks.\nOther IRC items: 3 weeks.\n\nOn-site access to databases,\n plus Alumni Research Portal","One renewal.\n\nFor mailing\ninformation\nclick HERE.","10 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],["Public members \n(No charge for those enrolled before 26 April 2008)","Books: 3 weeks.\nVideos & DVDs: 3 weeks.\nOther IRC items: 3 weeks.\n\nOn-site access to Library databases.","One renewal","5 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],["Extension Members (Alumni who live more than 50 miles away)","Books: 5 weeks.\nVideos & DVDs: 4 weeks.\nAudio recordings: 5 weeks.\nCurriculum: 5 weeks\nIncludes transit time in the mail.\nFor more information about Extension\n services, see IRC page.","No renewal on visual media items or curriculum\nOne renewal on other items","10 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits"],["Partner Libraries\nFaculty and Students \nNo charge","Books: 3 weeks.\nVideos & DVDs: 3 weeks.\nOther IRC items: 3 weeks.\n\nOn-site access to Library databases.","One renewal","5 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],["Archival researcher by appointment only","Research in Archives and\nSpecial Collections.\n\nPhotocopies or photos only.\nNo borrowing.\nOn-site access to Library databases.","N/A","N/A"],["Special paid events for Continuing Education participants, etc.","Day pass for research in Library.\n\nPhotocopies only.\nNo borrowing.\nOn-site access to Library databases.","N/A","N/A"],["PCUSA, UMC, or CBF clergy and educators - $30 annually","Books: 3 weeks.\nVideos & DVDs: 3 weeks.\nOther IRC items: 3 weeks.\n\nOn-site access to Library databases, ebooks and all other digital resources.","One renewal","10 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],["Clergy, educators and lay leaders serving other churches, religious agencies, and non-profit organizations\n$50 annually","Books: 3 weeks.\nVideos & DVDs: 3 weeks.\nOther IRC items: 3 weeks.\n\nOn-site access to Library databases, ebooks and all other digital resources.","One renewal","10 books\n10 curricula\n3 visual media* \n10 audio media** \n2 kits\n2 games"],[null,null,null,null],[null,null,null,null]]

PCUSA, UMC, or CBF Clergy/Educator: Applicants must present a current letter of authorization from their Executive Presbyter or District Superintendent, or other evidence indicating that they are in good standing with their presbytery, annual conference, or church.

Other Clergy/educators, lay leaders, non-profit leaders: Applicants will need to provide either a letter from an organization attesting to their role or some other form of evidence, such as contact information on a web site


*   Visual media items : either videos or DVDs
**   Audio media items : either tape cassettes or CDs