Tillich Collection

We are honored to offer this unique collection of Paul Tillich’s work on compact disc.  The Paul Tillich Collection was made possible by the cooperation of Union Theological Seminary in New York, Harvard Divinity School, the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, the endorsement of Mrs. Paul (Hannah) Tillich, and the generous support of the Vera and Walter Morris Foundation, Inc.

PLEASE NOTE : Each of these recordings may be found in our  Library Catalog.  Search by title and author and you will be able to view the catalog record with more detailed information.

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[["Disc Order #","Title","Year"],["T577 1","Communicating the Gospel Authority (Sermon on Luke 20:1-8 delivered at Union Seminary, NY)","1952"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Love, Power and Justice Series, Sprunt Lectures, UTS in Virginia

[["Disc Order #","Love, Power and Justice Series, Sprunt Lectures, UTS in Virginia","Year"],["T577 2","Problems, Confusion, Method","1953"],["T577 3","Being and Love","1953"],["T577 4","Being and Power","1953"],["T577 5","Being and Justice","1953"],["T577 6","The Unity of Justice, Love and Power in Personal Relations","1953"],["T577 7","The Unity of Power, Justice, and Love in Group Relations","1953"],["T577 8","The Unity of Love, Power, and Justice in the Ultimate Relation","1953"],["T577 9","Joy (Sermon on John 15:11) Christianity and Paul Tillich: A Renowned Protestant Churchman Discusses Christian Theology","1954\n1955"],["T577 10","I Am The Alpha and the Omega (Sermon on Rev. 22:13 delivered at UTS/NYC)\nCasting Out Demons (Commencement Address","1955\n1955"],["T577 11","Do Not Be Conformed (Sermon on Romans 12:2)","1955"],["","",""],["","",""]]

Existence and the Christ Series

[["Disc Order #","Existence and the Christ Series (Systematic Theology, Vol. II)","Year"],["T577 12","The Rise of the Existentialist Problem","1955"],["T577 13","Essence and Existence","1955"],["T577 13","Creation and Fall",""],["T577 14","The Inner Character of Estrangement","1955"],["T577 14","Estrangement and Concupiscence",""],["T577 15 pt. 1","Existential Self-Destruction","1955"],["T577 15 pt.2","Existential Self-Destruction (continued)","1955"],["T577 16","Existential Self-Destruction: A Discussion","1955"],["T577 17","The Quest for New Being","1955"],["T577 17","The Symbol of Christ",""],["T577 18","The Problem of Historical Criticism","1955"],["T577 19","Historical Research and Theology","1955"],["T577 19","Jesus as the New Being in the New Eon",""],["T577 20","Expressions of the New Being","1955"],["T577 21 pt. 1","Christ: Marks of Estrangement and Christological Dogma","1955"],["T577 21 pt. 2","Christ: Marks of Estrangement and Christological Dogma (continued)","1955"],["T577 22","The Universal Significance of Jesus the Christ","1955"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Life and the Spirit Series - First Draft

[["Disc Order #","Life and the Spirit Series - First Draft (Systematic Theology, Vol. III)","Year"],["T577 23 pt. 1","The Definition of Life","1956"],["T577 23 pt. 2","The Definition of Life (continued)","1956"],["T577 24 pt. 1","The Dimensions of Life","1956"],["T577 24 pt. 2","The Dimensions of Life (continued)","1956"],["T577 25","The Meaning of Spirit","1956"],["T577 26","The Spiritual Dynamic","1956"],["T577 27","The Ambiguities of Life, Part 1","1956"],["T577 28","The Ambiguities of Life, Part 2","1956"],["T577 29","Morality Under the Dimension of the Spirit","1956"],["T577 30","Culture Under the Dimension of the Spirit","1956"],["T577 31","Experience of the Divine Spirit to the Divine Life and the Trinitarian Symbol","1956"],["T577 32","The Doctrine of the Spirit in the Life of the Church","1956"],["T577 33","Female Symbolism in the Trinity; Spiritual Power in History","1956"],["T577 34","The Unity of Spirit in Christ and the Disciples","1956"],["T577 35","Faith, Hope and Love","1956"],["T577 36","Love Conquering Ambiguity","1956"],["T577 37","The Foundation of the Church","1956"],["T577 38","Actualization of New Being: The Individual","1956"],["T577 39 pt. 1","Informal Talk with Unitarian Students","1956"],["T577 39 pt. 2","Informal Talk with Unitarian Students (continued)","1956"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

The Basic Religious Question of Our Times Series

[["Disc Order #","The Basic Religious Question of Our Times Series (Jeffrey Lectures, Goucher College)","Year"],["T577 40","Rediscovery of the Dimensions of Depths","1957"],["T577 41","The Eternal and the Temporal in the Theological Expression of the Christian Message","1957"],["T577 42","Christian Answers and the Interpretation Today","1957"],["T577 43","Solitude (Sermon on Matthew 14:23)","1957"],["T577 44","The Idea of God as Affected by Modern Knowledge (Garvin Lecture, Lancaster, PA)","1957"],["T577 45","The Riddle of Inequality (Sermon on Mark 4:25)","1958"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

German Classical Philosophy Series

[["Disc Order #","German Classical Philosophy Series (Course at Harvard University)","Year"],["T577 46 pt. 1","Schelling's Philosophy of Identity","1958"],["T577 46 pt. 2","Schelling's Philosophy of Identity (continued)","1958"],["T577 47","Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit - Part 1","1958"],["T577 48","Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit - Part 2","1958"],["T577 49","Hegel 's Philosophy of the State and History","1958"],["T577 50","Hegel's Philosophy of Art and Religion","1958"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Life and the Spirit Series - 2nd Draft

[["Disc Order #","Life and the Spirit Series - 2nd Draft (Auburn Lectures, UTS in New York)","Year"],["T577 51","Nature of Life and Meaning of Spirit : Lecture 1","1958"],["T577 52","Dimensions of Life and the Unity of Life : Lecture 2","1958"],["T577 53","Self-Integration of Life and the Ambiguity of Morals : Lecture 3","1958"],["T577 54","Ambiguity of the Ethical Realm : Lecture 4","1958"],["T577 55","The Self-Manifestation of Life and the Ambiguity of Religion : Lecture 5","1958"],["T577 56","Greatness and Tragedy : Lecture 6","1958"],["T577 57","Spiritual Power, Spirit, and Holy Spirit : Lecture 7","1958"],["T577 58","Faith and the Kingdom of God : Lecture 8","1958"],["T577 59","Love and the Church : Lecture 9","1958"],["T577 60","The Latent and Manifest Church : Lecture 10","1958"],["T577 61","I Do Not the Good I Want (Sermon on Romans 7:19-20 delivered at UTS in NYC)","1958"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Mission Series

[["Disc Order #","Mission Series","Year"],["T577 62","The Sense of Mission","1959"],["T577 63","Self-Intergration of Life","1959"],["T577 64","The Ambiguities of Life","1959"],["T577 65","The Self-Manifestation of Life","1959"],["T577 66","Faith and Action Series - Interviews by Tom Driver (Radio Series, NCCC, USA)","1959"],["","Philosophy; Politics; The Arts; Psychology",""],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

The Self-Understanding of Man in Contemporary Thought Series

[["Disc Order #","The Self-Understanding of Man in Contemporary Thought Series (Lowell Lectures, Harvard Divinity School)","Year"],["T577 67","Self-Understanding of Man in Science and Philosophy","1959"],["T577 68","Self-Understanding of Man in Religion and Theology","1959"],["T577 69","Man's Self-Interpretation: Surface and Depths","1959"],["T577 70","Thing and Self","1959"],["T577 71","Estrangement and Return","1959"],["T577 72","The Divine Name sermon (Ex. 20:7)","1960"],["T577 73","Tradition and Freedom in the Life of Religion","1960"],["T577 74","Symbols of Eternal Life","1960"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Religion and Culture Series

[["Disc Order #","Religion and Culture Series (Chicago Lectures, The Divinity School of the University of Chicago)","Year"],["T577 75","The Fundamental Concepts of Religion and Culture","1961"],["T577 76","Self-Production: The Cultural Act","1961"],["T577 77","Self-Transcendence: The Divine Toward the Sublime","1961"],["T577 78","The Ambiguity of Religion: The Divine and the Demonic","1961"],["T577 79","Conflict Between Religion and Culture: The Cognitive Element","1961"],["T577 80","Religious Types and Stylistic Elements in Art : Lecture 1","1961"],["T577 81","Religious Types and Stylistic Elements in Art : Lecture 2","1961"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Theology of the Secular Series

[["Disc Order #","Theology of the Secular Series","Year"],["T577 82","PANEL DISCUSSION – Part 1 (With Tillich, John Bennett, Adolph Lowe, and Rollo May)","1961"],["T577 83","PANEL DISCUSSION – Part 2 (With Tillich, John Bennett, Adolph Lowe, and Rollo May)","1961"],["T577 84","PANEL DISCUSSION – Part 3 (With Tillich, John Bennett, Adolph Lowe, and Rollo May)","1961"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Expression in the Life of Religions Series

[["Disc Order #","Expression in the Life of Religions Series (Otis Lectures, Wheaton College)","Year"],["T577 85","Basic Expressions of Religion and Their Conceptual Transformation","1961"],["T577 86","Expressions in the Life of Religion Through Art and Literature","1961"],["T577 87","The Importance of the Devotional Act in the Expression of the Religious Life","1961"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Reynolds Lectures Series

[["Disc Order #","Reynolds Lectures Series (Davidson College, North Carolina)","Year"],["T577 88 pt. 1","The Interpretation of History","1961"],["T577 88 pt. 2","The Interpretation of History (continued)","1961"],["T577 89","Christology","1961"],["T577 90","Discussion on The Dynamics of Faith","1961"],["T577 91","The Expression of Religion on Liturgy and the Arts","1961"],["T577 92","The Ground for Moral Choice in a Pluralistic Society","1961"],["T577 93","Men and Earth (Sermon on Ps. 8:3-6)","1962"],["T577 94","The Religious Situation in Post-War Era","1962"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Religion and Cultures Series

[["Disc Order #","Religion and Cultures Series (Regent Lectures, University of California, Santa Barbara)","Year"],["T577 95","Defining Religion and Culture","1963"],["T577 96","Religion, Science and Philosophy","1963"],["T577 97","Religion and the Visual Arts","1963"],["T577 98","Religion and Politics","1963"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]


[["Disc Order #","Courage","Year"],["T577 99","The Courage of Despair : Lecture 1","1963"],["T577 100","The Courage of Despair : Lecture 2","1963"],["T577 101","The Courage to Be : Lecture 1","1963"],["T577 102","The Courage to Be : Lecture 2","1963"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Modern Protestant Thought: Locke to Barth Series

[["Disc Order #","Modern Protestant Thought: Locke to Barth Series","Year"],["T577 103 pt. 1","The Inner Conflicts of Enlightenment","1963"],["T577 103 pt. 2","The Inner Conflicts of Enlightenment (continued)","1963"],["T577 104 pt. 1","Critics of the Enlightenment","1963"],["T577 104 pt. 2","Critics of the Enlightenment (continued)","1963"],["T577 105 pt. 1","Romanticism","1963"],["T577 105 pt. 2","Romanticism (continued)","1963"],["T577 106 pt. 1","Schleiermacher: Lecture 1","1963"],["T577 106 pt. 2","Schleiermacher : Lecture 1(continued)","1963"],["T577 107 pt. 1","Schleiermacher : Lecture 2","1963"],["T577 107 pt. 2","Schleiermacher : Lecture 2 (continued)","1963"],["T577 108 pt. 1","Hegel : The Great Synthesis","1963"],["T577 108 pt. 2","Hegel : The Great Synthesis (continued)","1963"],["T577 109 pt. 1","Hegel’s View of History and Christ; The Hegelian School Split","1963"],["T577 109 pt. 2","Hegel’s View of History and Christ; The Hegelian School Split (continued)","1963"],["T577 110","Schelling","1963"],["T577 111","The Rise of Revivalism","1963"],["T577 112 pt. 1","Kierkegaard’s Existential Theology","1963"],["T577 112 pt. 2","Kierkegaard’s Existential Theology (continued)","1963"],["T577 113 pt. 1","Kierkegaard and Marx","1963"],["T577 113 pt. 2","Kierkegaard and Marx (continued)","1963"],["T577 114","Voluntarism and the Philosophy of Life","1963"],["T577 115 pt. 1","Nietzsche’s Death of God; New Ways of Mediation","1963"],["T577 115 pt. 2","Nietzsche’s Death of God; New Ways of Mediation (continued)","1963"],["T577 116 pt. 1","Contemporary Theology : Lecture 1","1963"],["T577 116 pt. 2","Contemporary Theology : Lecture 1 (continued)","1963"],["T577 117 pt. 1","Contemporary Theology : Lecture 2","1963"],["T577 117 pt. 2","Contemporary Theology : Lecture 2 (continued)","1963"],["T577 118","Salvation – Baccalaureate Sermon","1963"],["T577 119","Religion, Science and Philosophy","1963"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

The Irrelevance and the Relevance of the Christian Message Series

[["Disc Order #","The Irrelevance and the Relevance of the Christian Message Series (Earl Lectures, Pacifica School of Religion)","Year"],["T577 120","The Irrelevance of the Christian Message","1963"],["T577 121","The Causes of Irrelevance","1963"],["T577 122 pt. 1","The Lasting Nature of Man","1964"],["T577 122 pt. 2","The Lasting Nature of Man (continued)","1964"],["T577 123 pt. 1","The Decline and Validity of the Idea of Progress","1964"],["T577 123 pt. 2","The Decline and Validity of the Idea of Progress (continued)","1964"],["T577 124","The Right to Hope","1965"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

Absolute and Relative in Man’s Encounter with Reality Series

[["Disc Order #","Absolute and Relative in Man’s Encounter with Reality Series (The Divinity School of the University of Chicago)","Year"],["T577 125","Absolutes in Human Knowledge and the Idea of Truth","1965"],["T577 126","The Absolute and the Relative Element in Moral Decisions","1965"],["T577 127","The Holy – The Absolute and the Relative in Religion","1965"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]

The Doctrine of the Spirit Series

[["Disc Order #","The Doctrine of the Spirit Series (Summer Ministers’ Conference, UTS in New York)","Year"],["T577 128","Doctrine of the Spirit : Lecture 1","1965"],["T577 129","Doctrine of the Spirit : Lecture 2","1965"],["T577 130","Doctrine of the Spirit : Lecture 3","1965"],["T577 131","Doctrine of the Spirit : Lecture 4","1965"],["T577 132","Doctrine of the Spirit : Lecture 5","1965"],["T577 133","The Significance of the History of Religion for the Systematic Theologian","1965"],["T577 134","Memorial Service in Honor of Paul Tillich","1965"],[null,null,null],[null,null,null]]