Worship Links

Worship Links

  • Audio/Visual Resources

    • CreationSwap has many free images for worship bulletins, worship videos and other images. (You can buy things here as well, but there is a lot that is free!)

      Pray as You Go A daily 12 minute podcast from Jesuit Media Initiatives in the UK.

  • Children and Worship

    • Messy Church a way of being church for families involving fun that values being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

      Storypath book reviews twice a week with “faith talk” questions, and on Friday, books are linked to each of three lectionary passages for a future Sunday.

      Worshiping with Children an outstanding resource for those interested in planning worship with children fully included.

  • Liturgical/Lectionary Resources

    • Faith Formation Journeys 3 Lutheran pastors/educators offer reviews of curriculum, children’s sermons based on the Revised Common Lectionary and free family faith formation materials that can be downloaded and placed in a bulletin each month.

      Lectionary Liturgies more liturgical resources around the lectionary.

      Liturgy Link a collaborative site where people create liturgy together around the Revised Common Lectionary.

      PC(USA) Worship Resources Explains various aspects and elements of worship and provides liturgical/prayer/preaching resources.

      Sermon Brainwave This is a weekly podcast created by Working Preacher that includes discussion around the lectionary readings each week and is great for sermon planning.

      Text Week Organized by liturgical days and lectionary texts, Text Week aggregates many resources around the internet, including commentaries, exegesis, related journal articles, reflections, liturgical resources, hymns, and artwork.

This page is constantly under development.  Check back often for other links. Contact us with mission resources on the internet that you have found helpful and we will add them here.