Using the EBSCO Databases
How do you find articles in periodicals, or essays within collected works, or book reviews? The Morton Library offers you a variety of indexing tools for this information, in the field of religious studies. Several of them are provided to us by a publisher/vendor known as EBSCO :
OTA — Old Testament Abstracts
NTA — New Testament Abstracts
CPLI — Catholic Periodical and Literature Index
RPC — Religion and Philosophy Collection
In addition, we subscribe to several important EBSCO databases in fields outside the traditional bounds of religious studies : Academic Search Complete (an interdisciplinary colllection of over 9000 indexed journals, 6000 of them in full text) and smaller subsets of this collection, such as Education Research Complete, Humanities International Complete, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. This tutorial will address the EBSCO religion indexes.
Many of the articles indexed by these databases are also provided in digital full text. Users are able read scanned images of the articles they select, directly through the database.