Library Technology Orientation Assessment

Thanks for completing the Technology Checklist as part of your new student orientation. If you have a moment, could you please fill out this short assessment for our records?

Thank you so much for your time, and we’ll see you in the Library!


Assessment -- Technology Orientation 2021

I have a basic preparation for the technology skills that I will need to begin my first semester at Union Presbyterian Seminary successfully.(Required)
I am comfortable with the technology skills that I demonstrated for the assessment, and I can perform these tasks on my own without coaching.(Required)
Given that some form of technology assessment of our incoming students is necessary, did you enjoy this format or would you have preferred orientation sessions on each of the topics in a class setting? Or, what other form of assessment would you suggest we use?(Required)

If I need help later in the semester, I will feel comfortable contacting the Library's IRC to ask tech-related questions.(Required)
I would like to know more about: