Great New Feature Added to the Catalog

We’re happy to let you know about a new feature that has just been added to our Library catalog.  It’s a display widget that lets you see the availability of any item in our collection without having to open each full record.

When you do a search and get a list of results, you will now see a bar at the bottom of each entry that says “See 1 Available Copy” or “See 4  Available Copies,” or whatever, depending on how many of them we own.  Click on that bar, and it will show you which library has the item (either Richmond or Charlotte), the call number(s), the material type (useful for media items in particular), and its current location.  If the item is on the shelf, checked out, or in a special category like Course Reserves, you can see that at a glance.

We hope this will speed up your search process a bit!  Many thanks to Ryan Douthat and Christopher Richardson for implementing this new option.
