International Critical Commentary Series Online
As part of the Hal Todd Library Without Walls initiative, the UPSem Library is pleased to announce the addition of the International Critical Commentary series online for current students, faculty, staff and alumni! For over 100 years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has brought together all the relevant aids to exegesis – linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological – with an outstanding level of comprehension and quality of scholarship. Contributors to the series are known for their scholarly distinction rather than adherence to any one school of thought. This collection is a curated selection of 59 titles from throughout the series’ history, including both long-unavailable titles and newly-published research.
Each title of the International Critical Commentary series is available with unlimited concurrent access for all current UPSem students, faculty, staff and alumni with DRM-free reading, and download/print at the chapter-level for each title.
ICC volumes can be accessed from the library’s online catalog, Digital Reference LibGuide and Alumni Research Portal.
If you have questions about this series or any of the library’s other electronic resources please contact our Director of Public and Electronic Services, Ryan Douthat, at or phone, (804) 278-4217.