New E-Book Subscriptions

As part of the Hal Todd Library Without Walls initiative, the UPSem Library is pleased to announce the addition of three new eBook subscriptions to its electronic resource collection, EBSCO Diversity & Ethnic Studies, EBSCO Religion and ProQuest Religion & Philosophy. These aggregated scholarly eBook subscriptions include unlimited simultaneous access to nearly 35,000 titles covering a broad range of topics from African American Studies, Asian Studies, Disability Studies, Hispanic & Latin American Studies and LGBTQ+ Studies to Biblical Studies, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and more. Titles from each of these collections range from introductory texts to more complex and detailed works.

We are also pleased to announce the addition of nearly 30,000 individual digital titles from the Karl Barth Digital Library and the American Theological Library Association Historical Monographs, Series 1 and 2, accessible for the first time in the library’s catalog.

Discovery & Access

In addition to being discoverable in a normal catalog search these eBook subscriptions can be searched for in their own unique way.

From the search bar on the library catalog homepage select the Everything drop-down menu:

From the Everything drop-down menu select the individual eBook subscription you would like to search.

Or alternatively you can select eBook Subscriptions from the same drop-down menu and search them all collectively.

These eBook subscriptions are accessible off-campus to current students, faculty and staff. As with all library electronic resources you will need your library account barcode and PIN in order to access them.

If you have questions about any of these eBook subscriptions please contact our Director of Public and Electronic Services, Ryan Douthat, at or phone, (804) 278-4217.