Staff and IRC Hours
The Instructional Resource Center staff are happy to see all of our patrons to discuss anything from Christian education curricula for a ministry program to how to create a podcast. We hope you’ll feel free to walk in or to use the contact form below to make an appointment to have a conversation about the resources that you need.
Dora Rowe, Instructional Services Librarian
Dora Rowe graduated from the College of William and Mary (BA, History and Medieval/Renaissance Studies) and Texas Woman’s University (MLS, Library Science). She joined the Morton Library staff to lead the Instructional Resource Center after working for twenty years in other libraries, including a prison, a Catholic high school, a Catholic seminary in DC, a private college, and a rural public library.
Dora enjoys writing, and during her tenure as a public library director was a regular columnist in the local newspaper. Her research includes the neurological processes involved with reading and its correlation to empathy, with a forthcoming article in Virginia Libraries. She is currently interested in the methods of combating aliteracy on college campuses, and she will be presenting some of her findings at the 2017 Virginia Library Association conference.
Dora most enjoys patron interactions. She loves helping patrons find materials and use a variety of digital media and technology. She can be contacted at 804-278-4324 or by using the email form below.
Jay McNeal, Digital Lab Assistant
Jay McNeal left the Army to attend Union Presbyterian Seminary (then Union-PSCE) in January 2000. He joined the Library’s circulation staff in 2011 while attending the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. Jay also attended St. Paul School of Theology, has his bachelor of science from Union College in Schenectady , NY and a master of arts in education from Marywood University in Scranton, PA. He met and proposed to his wife here at Morton Library. The wedding was in August 2015. Jay’s work in the IRC focuses on providing services and user instruction through the Digital Lab. He can be contacted using the email form below. In his life outside the Library, Jay founded United Faith Leaders (formerly Clergy for Hire) and hosts The Coffeepot Fellowship Daily Podcast.
The Instructional Resource Center is normally staffed between the hours of 8:30 am (by phone) and 5:00 pm. However, patrons in the Library can come into the IRC any time the Library is open and retrieve all materials except DVDs or videos. (The Digital Lab, which is a part of the IRC,is only available for work during staffed hours or by appointment. Check the Digital Lab calendar for open hours or to make an appointment.)